Saturday, January 17, 2009

Broken Record

Nice title. Not to sound like a broken record, but we found out today that we were not chosen. (I didn't mean the title to sound like we have broken a record, but I'm sure there has to be at least one that we have broken by now.)

We also found out why we weren't chosen. It was over the wording of something in our homestudy.

Beyond bummed.

I'm going to Disney World.


AJS said...

I'm sorry. :(

I hope you find great distractions for the adoption waiting process while wandering around the happiest place on earth!

AJS said...

Oops, I meant *from*...great distractions FROM the adoption waiting process...

Anonymous said...


You might want to try

We did and had a match with a birth mother in less than 2 months after signing up with them. We have a beautiful baby now. Thank God for

We will be using them again for our next adoption.