Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Updating everyone just to say that things are slowing down a bit. We are waiting to wait. We have to wait for stuff to be completed on our cw's end before we are put in the officially waiting to adopt pile. Apparently they bill us, rather than us paying as we reach a milestone (what we did with Factor). We have not yet been billed for the homestudy or the profile/approval, so I guess that tells us that we are that much farther from being approved. I don't think I have ever wanted to see a bill in the mail as much as I do those from our agency! What can you do? I know that we are not the only family that cw is working with, and he told us ahead of time that we would be around 10th on his list of families to work on, but I guess I was hoping that it wouldn't seem like time was moving so slowly. You have to understand that once you are approved, you could wait 18+ months to be matched with an expectant mother. So, if the wait is long to even get to the approval stage, imagine how much longer it could be once approved. If you see few updates on this blog, it is because I am trying not to be anxious, and, most likely, nothing has changed.

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