Friday, March 9, 2007

References In

As I write (okay, not literally as I write since it is after midnight), all of our references have received their paperwork and are working on them, have worked on them, or will be working on them. This is one of those times where you can't really do anything yourself. I know the questions are tough and thought provoking, but hopefully everyone will get them in in a timely manner.

I am still working on our self-study. Well, I would have had it finished by now, but since Degree went out of town I can't get him to read and sign anything now anyway. I decided I'd give myself a couple days to reflect on the rest of the questions before completing it. Now, when Degree gets back, he may have a stack of papers to read and sign so I can hurry up and have them mailed out on Saturday, but that's the way it goes :-)

I stated earlier that we aren't going to put a preference down for gender. Well, Factor started saying "Baby Sister" and it sounds soooo cute! I can't get him to say baby brother. He just won't say it. I hope it is just a phase because it is making me really want a baby girl!


Angela said...

CONGRATS, and good luck!!!!!! :)

Sandy said...

Congratulations on starting the process for Pi! Life is such an adventure. :) We live in Ann Arbor and are excited about adopting our first baby - in God's timing.

Enjoy the 40 degree weather!